After your visit to the beach last month, you realised that the sea is badly polluted. Write a formal letter to your local council about the actions they should take.

Lizamaria Raphael Parrikal
No. 30 Lorong Hilir 9A
Taman Ceria Baru
41100 Klang
The Head
Klang Muncipal Council
Selangor Darul Ehsan.                                         20th MARCH 2018

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Complaint about Polluted Beach in Port Klang

With reference to the above title, I, Lizamaria, a resident of Taman Ceria 2, would like to lodge a complaint about the dismal state of the Port Klang beach. I made a short trip with my family a week ago and what greeted me was an eyesore. We were unable to enjoy our getaway due to the heavily polluted beach grounds.

2.            Firstly, the beach was strewn with all kinds of litter imaginable. There were drink cans, polystyrene containers, plastic bags and food wrappers that covered the sand. The stench was unbelievable. Apart from that, we saw a steady stream of thick, oily substance flowing from a rusting metal pipe that led out of a factory. Out at sea, we caught sight of a cruise ship dumping bags of rubbish into the ocean. Overall, it was a horrifying sight to behold.

3.            In order to pounce on the problem, drastic measures have to be taken. For starters, errant ship owners should be fined for disposing waste irresponsibly. This will act as a preventive measure. Secondly more rubbish bins should be made available along the shore. This will deter visitors from simply dropping their garbage anywhere. Finally, more patrol guards should monitor the offshore activities. They could help catch the culprits.

4.            If the problem is not tackled quickly, many aquatic plants and animals will be affected. Sea creatures will lose their habitats and some might die of toxic poisoning. On top of that, from the economical perspective, fewer tourists will holiday here and negatively affect our tourism industry. Worst of all, without realising it, we are turning one of nature’s beauties into a barren wasteland.

5.            I sincerely hope that the relevant authorities will take measures to put an end to this crime on Mother Nature. If we do not do something now, then our future will be at stake. Your consideration on the matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Resident of Taman Ceria 2

Ø Sender’s name and address

Ø Line

Ø Recipient’s title and address
Ø Date

Ø Title

Ø Introduction to the problem

Ø Types of pollution found

Ø  Suggestions to overcome the problem

Ø Reasons to save the environment

Ø Hopes for action

Ø Signature

1.    Dismal – terrible
2.    Eyesore –  horrible to see
3.    Stench – bad smell
4.    Errant – guilty of wrongdoing
5.    Barren – unproductive or unable to
            produce vegetation

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